Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Bobbe's trip through the Strait of Messina

Bobbe continues her report from her Mediterranean adventure:

I want to show you some photos that I took on my ship during my Mediterranean cruise. Once my ship left Naples, it sailed south through the Strait of Messina. Can you find the Strait of Messina on a map? I will help you find it. Italy is shaped like a boot, with the toe kicking an island. That island is Sicily, the largest island in the Mediterranean Sea. The Strait of Messina is a very narrow passage between Sicily and the toe of the boot. It was early in the morning when I passed through the strait. The sun was shining and the water was beautiful.

Here are some pictures from my ship:
The flag on the back of the ship (a Maltese cross) flutters in the wind as the ship leaves Naples.
I pose at the entrance to the Strait of Messina.
I stand in front of the toe of Italy as my ship heads through the Strait of Messina.
Here is a picture of Sicily on the other side of the strait.
Here is a picture of me in my stateroom inside the ship.

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